Thursday, November 8, 2007


The Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a discipline that joins the neurology and the use of the language. I'm studying this in my free time, and I have learned lots of things that I have put on practice in my life. I learn things associated with the brain work, and how it saves the information. You can use it for a better communication with the other people. Also, you can use it for a quick learning.

Actually it has a lot of applications. In Colombia is one clinic that doesn’t use any kind of medicine, there work neurologist that knew about NLP. Too much people have been cured, and it isn’t a scam.

I get into this, because my mom told to my brother and me that we have to go, there aren't any choice. When I went, I was wondered by this discipline. I couldn't believe that it was truth. When I finished the first course, I wanted to share with all my friends my learning.

The NLP changed my life; I always try to thing positive. I believe that anyone can reach all the goals that proposed.

If you want to learn more about this, you can see the movies: The Secret, and What bleep do we know? I recommend it, you can find easily.


Kristi said...

It is amazing!! I've read and watched The Secret, as well as What the Bleep? The power of the mind over our life is unbelievable! I try to remain positive in everything that I do, but I have a hard time sometimes. Thank you for your reminders Monica! :)

Early Crow said...

Monica, this is incredible, I'm so interested in that (NPL) but I don't know how to begin. I saw that movie What is the bleep, and I want to see the The secret as well. Where can I find it?