Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Last weekend I was working in an event sine Friday until Sunday. Actually, it was the event that we had for the Friday activity: the Christmas market which took place in the Spruce Meadows. It was very fun when I realized that I was going to work there. I could see some students from de ESL Program.
My job was to clean some tables, and be sure that all the recipes with sugar, sauces were always full.
I like that job because it is easy and I can earn extra money. I want to save it and use to travel to some Canada cities. Also, I can practice my speaking, with the client and with my boss.
The event was pretty cool. You could find lost of things that were made in different places in the word. For example, you could see beautiful clothes and bags made in china or could eat delicious desserts from Saskatoon. There were different shows too. I saw some ladies singing, a ballet and a polish team dancing.
Now I get a job for the rest of the year, I will be a waitress in different events. I don’t have any experience. So, somebody is going to teach me how to do it.
I like to work in events, because I can enjoy all the shows, the food and the work is not too heavy.

1 comment:

Haruka said...

Hi Monica!
I have never worked in Canada. It must be your great experience. I think it's not same that you do same things in your country!
After I go back to my country, I have to get a part-time job because i spent a lot of money in Canada..