Monday, December 3, 2007


I really like riding horses, and in our culture is very common to go to a farm with your friends and take a horse and visit beautiful places that only can be reached if you travel by horse. Those kinds of plans are my favorites.
I made the decision to learn how to ride a horse because I liked to learn a little bit of everything, for example swimming, skating, basic sports.
When I was 15 year old I started to practice Horse Jumping I practiced only on weekends, with a group, but I improved very quickly and my teacher decided to level up me.
I had so much fun when I practiced. It was wonderful when I made a good jump or when I did all the rut quickly.
Then I participated in competitions twice. I was very nervous because to many people came to see the challenge. In my first competition I made a mistake, and I jumped twice the same jump, but the other things were pretty good. Sadly, I didn’t win any trophy. My second competition was much better, I won a medal.
I stopped practicing because I don’t have time enough to do it. But I would like to start again. Probably, I won’t compete again, but I can take it only for fun.

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