Monday, December 3, 2007


I really like riding horses, and in our culture is very common to go to a farm with your friends and take a horse and visit beautiful places that only can be reached if you travel by horse. Those kinds of plans are my favorites.
I made the decision to learn how to ride a horse because I liked to learn a little bit of everything, for example swimming, skating, basic sports.
When I was 15 year old I started to practice Horse Jumping I practiced only on weekends, with a group, but I improved very quickly and my teacher decided to level up me.
I had so much fun when I practiced. It was wonderful when I made a good jump or when I did all the rut quickly.
Then I participated in competitions twice. I was very nervous because to many people came to see the challenge. In my first competition I made a mistake, and I jumped twice the same jump, but the other things were pretty good. Sadly, I didn’t win any trophy. My second competition was much better, I won a medal.
I stopped practicing because I don’t have time enough to do it. But I would like to start again. Probably, I won’t compete again, but I can take it only for fun.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Last weekend I was working in an event sine Friday until Sunday. Actually, it was the event that we had for the Friday activity: the Christmas market which took place in the Spruce Meadows. It was very fun when I realized that I was going to work there. I could see some students from de ESL Program.
My job was to clean some tables, and be sure that all the recipes with sugar, sauces were always full.
I like that job because it is easy and I can earn extra money. I want to save it and use to travel to some Canada cities. Also, I can practice my speaking, with the client and with my boss.
The event was pretty cool. You could find lost of things that were made in different places in the word. For example, you could see beautiful clothes and bags made in china or could eat delicious desserts from Saskatoon. There were different shows too. I saw some ladies singing, a ballet and a polish team dancing.
Now I get a job for the rest of the year, I will be a waitress in different events. I don’t have any experience. So, somebody is going to teach me how to do it.
I like to work in events, because I can enjoy all the shows, the food and the work is not too heavy.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Yesterday, I went to walk around downtown with one friend and my cousin. We planned to go out with my friend the day before. We wanted to make a photo studio in the important places in downtown. First we went to Sait, it is a polytechnic, and there was a beautiful building which looks like a castle. Then we went to the city Hall, there we took a lot of pictures and in the park in front too. We stayed outside 30 minutes, but it was so cold that I thought that I was going to die. W took the Ctrain and we casually met another friend in the one Ctrain Station, he told us that he was going to the Calgary tower, so we decided to join him.
We went to the Calgary tower, really it is wonderful place. You can enjoy the awesome view and look the entire city around, there was a good restaurant so we decide to go when we finish the ESL program.
The city started to be decorated with the winter topic, in the night it looks good. I enjoyed walking around the city yesterday in spite of the weather.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


The Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a discipline that joins the neurology and the use of the language. I'm studying this in my free time, and I have learned lots of things that I have put on practice in my life. I learn things associated with the brain work, and how it saves the information. You can use it for a better communication with the other people. Also, you can use it for a quick learning.

Actually it has a lot of applications. In Colombia is one clinic that doesn’t use any kind of medicine, there work neurologist that knew about NLP. Too much people have been cured, and it isn’t a scam.

I get into this, because my mom told to my brother and me that we have to go, there aren't any choice. When I went, I was wondered by this discipline. I couldn't believe that it was truth. When I finished the first course, I wanted to share with all my friends my learning.

The NLP changed my life; I always try to thing positive. I believe that anyone can reach all the goals that proposed.

If you want to learn more about this, you can see the movies: The Secret, and What bleep do we know? I recommend it, you can find easily.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Make a big decission

I'm studying Administration Engineer in Colombia; my university demands all the students to speak English very well. I never was aware about this. I knew that I have to do, but I felt scared to leave my family, my boyfriend and all my friends. One day my boyfriend decided to go to china, he wanted to work and know about international commerce, marketing and another process used in a China factory. I was very sad about this; I couldn't imagine my days without him. Suddenly, one day I woke up, I thought, "it's my chance to study English in a foreign country, and this situation will be good for our relationship.” that was the hardest part, made the decision, but it had a long way to walk too. I thought that the time wasn't enough for all the things that I have to do, but I rushed to make all the things, like joined the documents for the visa, searched a good university in Calgary and paid for it.
Now, I'm satisfied with my choice, I have learned a lot and have met nice people. I think the ESL program is well prepared.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hi everybody!!

I want to share with you my new blog, you can find them lost of thing about me.