Monday, November 19, 2007


Yesterday, I went to walk around downtown with one friend and my cousin. We planned to go out with my friend the day before. We wanted to make a photo studio in the important places in downtown. First we went to Sait, it is a polytechnic, and there was a beautiful building which looks like a castle. Then we went to the city Hall, there we took a lot of pictures and in the park in front too. We stayed outside 30 minutes, but it was so cold that I thought that I was going to die. W took the Ctrain and we casually met another friend in the one Ctrain Station, he told us that he was going to the Calgary tower, so we decided to join him.
We went to the Calgary tower, really it is wonderful place. You can enjoy the awesome view and look the entire city around, there was a good restaurant so we decide to go when we finish the ESL program.
The city started to be decorated with the winter topic, in the night it looks good. I enjoyed walking around the city yesterday in spite of the weather.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi, Monica.

The places where you and your friends went was great. I think that downtown is a beautiful place to take pictures. I went to the Calgary Tower with my husband last wednesday to have dinner. It was a special date for us.
I love that place mainly because it turns and we can see all the city of Calgary. The meal of the restaurant is fantastic. It's expensive but it's worth.
See you.